The Cilcain Community Shop Management Committee remain 100% committed to the Shop serving our community for as long as it is possible and safe to do so in these difficult times.
The entrance to the Shop has returned to its original position, through the foyer of the village hall building. Lines are marked on the floor to direct customer flow and maintain social distancing. (Effective from 26th August 2020)
We request all customers use the available hand sanitizers before they handle any products.
Within the shop, a clear screen has been installed across the counter, and we continue with the policy of one customer/household in the Shop itself at any one time. (30th July 2020)
We have now reintroduced our take-away hot drinks service but, due to space constraints, we will not be re-opening our sit-in café at this time.
As a volunteer-run enterprise, we are reliant on the health and well-being of these volunteers for our future. We therefore request that anyone willing and able to step in and cover shifts for our more vulnerable people to please pop into the Shop or call on 01352 741354.
We appreciate everyone’s ongoing help in these difficult times.
CCSL Management Committee.
27th August 2020